by Andri Andri No Comments

Plastic vs Stainless Filter Nozzles



Filter Nozzle

Filter Nozzle


Sebelum anda memutuskan untuk membeli filter nozzle, sebaiknya anda memahami beberapa Perbedaan filter nozzle plastik dengan filter nozzle stainless steel.

KEUNGGULAN Filter Nozzle :

  1. Murah
  2. Ringan
  3. Anti karat

KEKURANGAN Filter Nozzle Plastic  :

  1.  Jenis Lubang Slotted 0,1 mm – lubang kecil dan mudah mampat.
  2. Open Area lebih rendah (Open area berkisar 1-2 %)
  3. Daya tahan terhadap tekanan operasional max. 10 bar
  4. Daya tahan terhadap temperature max 50 derajat celcius
  5. Mudah pecah apabila terinjak.

Untuk mengatasi kekurangan dari karakteristik filter nozzle anda dapat menggunakan filter nozzle dengan spesifikasi :

  1. Slot size dapat dipilih dari 0.2 mm sd 1 mm (sesuai dengan kebutuhan / ukuran media). Tersedia pilihan untuk slot lubang lebih besar agar aliran lebih lancar.
  2. Open area lebih besar  (untuk ukuran lubang 0.2 mm –  open area berkisar 10%
  3. Daya tahan terhadap tekanan dapat mencapai 30 bar.
  4. Daya tahan terhadap temperatur dapat mencapai 300 derajat celcius
  5. Tidak mudah pecah.


by Andri Andri No Comments

What is Filter Nozzle ?

What is Filter Nozzle

A filter nozzle is a specialized type of nozzle used in various applications, primarily in fluid dynamics and engineering, to control the flow of liquids or gases while filtering out unwanted particles or contaminants or for media retention in the filter vessel while the fluid can go through. These nozzles are designed to provide specific flow rates and pressures while ensuring that the fluid passing through them is clean and free from impurities or media used.

Key Features of Filter Nozzles

1. *Filtration Capability*: They often incorporate a mesh or porous material that captures particles, preventing them from entering downstream processes or equipment.

2. *Flow Control*: Filter nozzles can help regulate the flow of fluids, ensuring consistent delivery rates and pressures.

3. *Material Composition*: Typically made from durable materials such as stainless steel, plastic, or ceramics, which can withstand various chemical environments.

4. *Applications*:

– *Water Treatment*: Used in filtration systems to purify water by removing sediments and pollutants.
– *Industrial Processes*: Employed in manufacturing processes to ensure that fluids are free from contaminants that could affect product quality.
– *Agriculture*: Used in irrigation systems to prevent clogging of irrigation lines.

5. *Design Variations*: They come in different shapes and sizes depending on the specific application requirements, such as spray patterns or flow rates.

Overall, filter nozzles are essential components in many systems where fluid purity and flow control are critical.  Please visit our website  to see more choices of Filter Nozzle

by Andri Andri 1 Comment

Johnson V-wire Screen

Bentuk profil V ini memiliki keunggulan dimana permukaan yang lebih halus/rata dan tahan terhadap penyumbatan. Saringan V-Wire umumnya digunakan dalam aplikasi deepwell screen/screen sumur bor, saringan pengolahan air bersih dan air limbah, saringan pertambangan, dan industri minyak dan gas serta industri makanan/minuman.

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