The screen mat has a robust design that is resistant to ambient stresses. It does not operate continuously.

Automatic Trash Rack

The Screen mat is a step screen suited primarily for screening sewage and is typically installed in a channel at an inclination of 30 to 40 degrees.

The Screenmat consist consists of a series of stationery and mobile steps , alternating with each other.

As the effluent flows through the screenmat , a screening mat develops along the surface of the screen .

The mobile steps progressively lift the mat of solids along the incline of the screen .Once reaching the top of the screenmat , the solids are discharged by gravity into a screw conveyor or similar device.

The low angle of inclination ensures  that a screening mat is retained continuously during the entire operation and prevents the roll down encountered in steeper

Screens.  A consistent screening mat contributes to a uniform and high solids capture rate.

The screen mat has a robust design that is resistant to ambient stresses. It does not operate continuously; rather it operations based on the pressure differential across the screen , which results in a very low operating hours and costs for the screen. The Screen mat can be very easily tilted up from the channel during maintenance.

The Screen mat step screen is capable of handling flows from a single unit up to 5,400 m3/hr.

Features and Benefits

  • Bar spacing from 1 to 10 mm
  • 304SS or 316SS construction
  • Compact , in channel design
  • Low power consumption and operating costs
  • All maintenance is conducted outside the channel and above the deck.
Brochures & Technical Data