Johnson’s resin traps , placed inline , provide positive protection. The traps can be designed to capture media particles of any size.

Resin Traps

Resin Traps

A resin trap is a safety device used on the overflow lines of ion exchange units, high-purity water system and activated carbon and media filters.

In many system , a value failure can allow media to escape from the treatment vessel. Not only is the loss of expensive media significant , but damage can easily occur to downstream pumping equipment.

Johnson’s resin traps , placed inline , provide positive protection. The traps can be designed to capture media particles of any size.



  • Prevents expensive resin/media loss into piping distribution system
  • Protects downstream pumping equipment
  • Visibility of minor resin/media losses in prevention of major equipment failure


  • Countinous slot design, allowing traps to capture media particles of any size,providing sufficient open area to let process flow move smoothly
  • Stainless steel construction (other alloys can be used depending on pressure and temperature )
  • Various option sizes , shapes and connections , depending on process flow characteristics
  • Designed for full system pressure.
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